Work With Me

Here are some details on how I like to work with my clients.

Project Basis: I work with my clients on a project basis.  For each project, I meet with the client and work to define the scope of the project as specifically as possible. This scope will be defined in an engagement letter that I will write. Depending on how well we can define the project in advance, I will propose to perform the project in one of two different ways:

  • Fixed Price Project: If the project is very well defined, I prefer to perform the project on a fixed price basis. I will quote a firm price for the project, and I will bill the project based on a deliverable schedule in the engagement letter.
  • Hourly Project: Some projects have unknown element that make it difficult to estimate the full level of effort in advance. For these projects, I work on an hourly basis. My engagement letter defines the scope of work, an estimated level of effort, and an hourly rate. I will bill the project on a monthly basis at at the completion of the project.

If the project is well defined enough for me to know the amount of effort required, my preference is to establish a fixed price for the project. If the level of effort for the project cannot be defined fully in advance, I will work on an hourly basis.  I will give the client an estimate of how many hours will be required and an hourly rate.  Hours will be billed on a monthly basis.

Project Location: I can work with clients throughout the United States. Typically, I will meet with clients through Zoom or Microsoft Teams. I can travel for projects, but the cost of travel will be built into the cost of the project. Any local projects (Knoxville, TN area) will not incur any travel costs.

Non-Disclosure: My engagement letters will include non-disclosure terms. I will not disclose proprietary information of my clients to anyone without the express written permission of the client.

Ownership of Work Products: Any work products that I write for a client will be the property of the client. If a client wants me to use my pre-existing work products, we will negotiate a mutually agreeable ownership and/or licensing arrangement.