
The Internet has been a tremendous vehicle for innovation, information, and business success. Unfortunately, the downside of the Internet is cyber crime. Cybercriminals are innovative, they thrive on stolen information, and they have enjoyed great business success. Cybercrime is an industry that makes over $1.5 trillion annually.

How can businesses (or individuals) protect themselves against cybercriminals? This is actually not an easy question to answer. There are many great cybersecurity solutions available to help protect against cybercrime. However, any organization has a limit on how much it can spend on cybersecurity. What’s more, many cybersecurity solutions make it harder for employees to do their jobs.

I recommend that businesses should use a risk management approach to cybersecurity. This starts with an assessment of the risks that the business faces, followed by measures that can help mitigate the risk. In the end, the best cybersecurity strategy for any business will be to implement a set of cybersecurity controls that will use the company’s available resources to maximize the protection the business can afford against the cyber risks that it faces.

Here are some examples of my work in cybersecurity:

2022 Cyber Risk Mitigation
CMMC Compliance Strategy
Acceptable Use Policy Template